
Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Well, it was almost Spring.  For a moment.  We've had a few days in the last few weeks where it was warm enough that I had a decent start on cleaning up the spring beds.  In fact, Saturday I cleared the last bed adjacent to the house of the debris of fall and it is ready for mulch as soon as the last of the daffodils break through.  Then, yesterday, this:

Just God's little way of reminding me that Spring doesn't officially begin until the vernal equinox; March 20th, 2011, at 7:21 PM EDT.  I fear not for the daffodils, but it probably doesn't do the new red poppy foliage any good.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry for you. It is beautiful...BUT!

  2. He He. Its amazing how a few miles north of here can change that much. It did get to 27 last night.

  3. Brrr. Quite pretty - but...brrr.

  4. Beautiful shot. We too wake up each morning to snow fall, but have been lucky the temps rise and it melts by the end of the day. Happy GBBD.

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! Even if it was late enough in the season to be a drag, rather than uplifting....


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