
Sunday, May 8, 2011


Rosa 'J P Connell'
Yes, to my frequent readers, I know it's been several days since I blogged.  I could offer a number of reasons; I've been sick (true), tired (true), and my gardening chores are behind (true). 
But, in truth, I've been waiting for 'Harison's Yellow' to bloom.  As I noted almost a week ago, 'Marie Bugnet' had begun to bloom and 'Harison's Yellow' has always been next.  But it didn't bloom.  And didn't bloom.  Perhaps because of the (almost) frost last Monday night?  The cold high 40's and 50's of the past two weeks?  Canadian 'J. P. Connell' became the next of my roses to bloom a few days ago, not altogether unusual since it is another early one and planted near some stone on a south slope, but a little odd.  And then came 'Morden Centennial', although the pictured bloom is not its best effort, and 'Hope for Humanity', a little blurry in the picture because of the 20 mph wind.  Both are decidedly odd because they normally bloom with the main flush of roses.
Rosa 'Morden Centennial'

Rosa 'Hope for Humanity'

Hemerocallis 'Chicago Flapper'

 And then, came this thing;  what the heck is a daylily doing blooming in Kansas before most of the roses?  And if I were to predict one to bloom early, it would have been 'Black-eyed Stella' or intrepid 'Stella de Oro', not 'Chicago Flapper' as pictured here.  If this is a microclimate thing it is still a one-time occurrence;  this daylily is at least a month early for Kansas, I think.  Has the world gone mad?

Rosa 'Harison's Yellow' last
Well, at least today, on a 91F day, after highs in the mid-80's yesterday and 2 hailstorms on Friday night, 'Harison's Yellow' finally opened a bloom and brightened Mother's Day with a cheery yellow face.  And I'm feeling better and two days of weekend warm weather have allowed me to catch up a little in the garden.

I just wish I didn't feel like this stinky little bloom was laughing at me for predicting the Apocalypse had arrived based on its reticence to bloom.


  1. It's good to hear that the roses in your garden are blooming with unusual timing and in a weird order, too. This makes me feel a bit better about the sequence of flowers in my own garden. My first roses to bloom are ALWAYS a select group of Chinas. This year, I was out of town for the exact day of the first flower, but the first rose I noticed when we returned was 'Edith Clark' in my hybrid tea bed. The Chinas followed shortly thereafter, and now I have roses all over the garden.

    It's REALLY weird to see a daylily in your garden!

  2. My bad. I guess I've planted too many annuals in my I wouldn't mind being a reactionary however.

  3. can you name that rose in the blog post..

  4. Rosa 'Meiggili' - Peach Drift Rose. One of the new ground covers types. reminds me of the flower carpet types, which I have one Red one with glossy foliage.


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