
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Daylily Beginnings

Amethyst Art
 Entranced by the beautiful daylilies from Sherry's blog in Florida, I've been anxiously awaiting the start of the main daylily season here.  I have a love-hate relationship with daylilies here in Kansas, but since they're the only reliable blooming thing in the July heat and require little care, I grow a lot of them.  In fact, I probably grow more daylilies than roses, but since daylilies are all orange, I don't know as many of them by name.

Now don't get uppity, you daylily connoisseurs, I understand that there are near whites, purples, spiders, almost reds, corals, and pink daylilies.  At least if you look at them closely.  Just sayin'.
LeeBea Orange Crush
The first of my daylilies have begun to bloom here, so I thought I'd pop some pictures of them up before the main stream hits and I get overwhelmed.  First lining up for pictures is  'Amethyst Art', pictured above, a double lavender-toned daylily I've had for most of forever.

And then there's the spectacle that 'Leebea Orange Crush', a big fragrant orange daylily, makes of itself:

I developed a thing for "spiders" in the past couple of years, so I have a number of them, among which are several plants of 'Crazy Pierre', deep purple 'Frankies Fantasy', and the enormous (9 inch diameter) ruby-toned Stout Medal winner  'All American Chief'.

Crazy Pierre

Frankies Fantasy

All American Chief

'Seductor' is a Red self with big six inch blooms that I really do adore:

Irish Spring
And 'Irish Spring' is a very large, fragrant bright yellow with a slight green tinge that really lights up the garden:

Siloam Double Classic
I grow a number of the Siloam-bred line of daylilies.  'Siloam Double Classic' is a daylily that does well no matter where I divide it up and put it in the garden.

But there are a number of eyed, medium-sized daylilies that I suspect are of the Siloam lines, but I've lost the names:
Unknown Siloam

Unknown, perhaps 'Wild Mustang'?


Summer Dragon
And I grow a few really wild-looking varieties:  Visitors who view 'Summer Dragon' either love it or hate it; there seems to be no middle ground.  Heck, I'm not even sure where I stand on it.

I'll keep the daylily pictures coming as they come on, at least the varieties I can still identify and the exceptionally beautiful ones.  Stay tuned. 

1 comment:

  1. Omigosh...beautiful! I'm as crazy about daylilies as I am old roses so this was a great post to read! I have to tell you that I downloaded your book from Amazon on my Kindle and I'm really enjoying reading it, as well. I'm in rural central Texas and face a lot of the same challenges you seem to, although not quite to the extremes. It's been pretty humorous to read about your battles with varmints, weather and losing track of where you planted what daylily cultivar. I can truly relate!


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