
Friday, June 15, 2012

Praise Be

According to yesterday evening's Manhattan Mercury, a miserable daily rag which keeps the wailing gardener informed of each and every increment of annual water deprivation, we had received 8.37 inches of rain year-to-date, with a deficit for June of 2.67 inches and a deficit for 2012 of 6.67 inches.  Yes, that's correct, we have only received 55.6% of our normal rainfall in 2012, adding more pain to the drought from Fall of 2011.

We have been seemingly deserted by the rain deities.  Just last Sunday, I watched a cloud split and go north and south of us, leaving this area clear and dumping 4 inches of rain on areas only 1/2 hour away.  The storm must have known that I had sworn to dance naked on the driveway if it rained and thus, in its wisdom, spared my neighbors from such a blinding glimpse.

Last night, I made no such threat of joyful full-exposure, and, safe from that unsightly danger, a gorgeous front formed and commenced to downpour here at 11:00 p.m.  ProfessorRoush, of course, went promptly into the most restful, worry-free sleep in weeks amidst the lightening and thunder and rain pounding on the roof.  And woke up this morning to the beautiful sight of both rain  gauges (I keep one near the house and one near the vegetable garden), containing 2.2 inches of rain. Even the daylilies are happy, although the dewy specimen above will likely be a bit spotted as the day wears on.

The forecast still shows chances for rain of 50%, 30%, and 60% respectifully for the next few days and, not normally a greedy sort, I'd  be pleased to see similar rainfalls every day of the next week. Yes, surely, Praise Be.


  1. Well, you got double what we did out of the storm last night - but we've evidently gotten more over the spring, so I guess it all evens out...approximately. I was SURE glad to see that line of storms approaching last night! We were getting pretty desperate.

    1. Sorry Gaia. My joy is tempered knowing that others still suffer....well, at least I'll pause in my dance of joy to reflect my luck.

  2. Don't you hate it when those fronts split and bypass you? That happens quite a bit here.

    1. Oh yeah, frustrating when you can see it raining a mile away and the sun is shining where you stand.

  3. The split rain was commonplace when I lived in San Antonio.

    We received .60 in Winfield and it was great! Praise be indeed.


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