
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lively Lightening

Oh, dear!  As you can see, ProfessorRoush was gone from home for several days, but came back just in time to play with his iLightningcam iPhone app.  I thought this was the best shot of the evening and it should therefore lead the blog.  I just love the blues and purples that are brought out in the photos.

I got home in the early evening, quickly mowed the worst of the overgrown grass in front of the house, and was witness to this lovely sunset:

Which rapidly darkened and turned into this:

And this:

We didn't get much rain with this system, but at least I got a little fun out of it.  If you're wondering how long it takes to capture these, I had all of these within about 5 minutes of turning on the camera. As I wrote before about this iPhone app, it is also supposed to be good at capturing fireworks and this coming July 4th will be my first opportunity to test it.  You can be sure I won't miss it!

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