
Friday, July 4, 2014

Pink Daylily Rap

'Frosted Vintage Ruffles'
I like pink day-lilies and I cannot lie
You other gardeners can't deny
When a bud pops open
with a pretty lacy bloom
And a pink that's over the moon
You feel young

Sung, of course, to the melody of Baby Got Back.  I'm not in the habit of singing rap composed by Sir Mix-A-Lot, but I couldn't help thinking of this one in regards to my pink daylilies.  I would advise older male gardeners who like my revised lyrics to make sure they sing the words rather than hum it when they are near their spouses.  Most wives just don't seem to react well to spouses humming Baby Got Back in their near vicinity. Ask me how I know.

'Siloam Double Classic'
I realized, as the main daylily bloom came on this past week, that this year it is the pink-toned daylilies that are bringing me the most pleasure.  And not just any pink daylily, but primarily those with clear clean pink tones.  From top to bottom, the first three daylilies pictured here are 'Frosted Vintage Ruffles', 'Siloam Double Classic', and an anonymous beautiful pink daylily that I'm in love with.  You can be sure that I'll be dividing these clumps  to spread others around my garden this Fall. 

'Jolyene Nichole'???
Of these three, 'Frosted Vintage Ruffles', a 2000 introduction by Begnaud, is my favorite for its delicate porcelain petals, the shading from light to dark pink, and its excellent fragrance.  'Siloam Double Classic', by Henry in 1985, is indeed a classic and a multiple award-winner including a Stout Silver Medal Runner-up.  It deserves a place in everyone's garden.  The name of the third daylily has been lost to my poor records system, but is likely either 'Jolyene Nichole' or 'Siloam Full Dress'.  The former looks a lot like it, but the latter's description also fits and I can't find a picture of it online for comparison.  I've got a huge clump of it shining pink at me from all the way across the garden.

'Bubblegum Delicious'
Pinks that are not quite so pure are doing nothing for my soul this year.  This fourth daylily, 'Bubblegum Delicious' is a more recent (2010) introduction by Kelly Mitchell that I planted in 2013, but despite all the edging and ruffles, it leaves me unimpressed.  The overall combination is just a bit too gaudy for my tastes.  Daylilies are just getting too fancy for me.

(returning to Baby Got Back)...
So Gardeners! (Yeah!), Gardeners! (Yeah!)
Is your daylily good and pink? (Heck yeah!)
Then you should show it (Show it!)
Show it! (Show it!)
Show off that healthy bloom!
Daylily Got Pink!


  1. Rap and day lilies make for an interesting combination !
    I agree about the pinks being the ones to make the heart beat faster. I still have some big shouty yellow ones but their time with me is limited !

  2. Hold on to the shouty yellows....tastes change and every once in a while I appreciate them again.

  3. The top 3 pinks are beautiful. A favorite in my garden is 'Hush Little Baby', long blooming and gorgeous. Looking at these daylilies online, they seem to have quite the range of color. Is that due to locale? I know I have 'Frosted Vintage Ruffles'; I will have to take note if it is this beautiful in my garden!

    1. I often find that daylilies here look subtlely different from pictures in other gardens; even the ones that I know are the correct variety. I don't know if it's temperature, time of day, lighting, or what. The pictures here were all taken on a cloudy morning, so these are pretty fresh flowers. All I can guarantee is that I don't mess with the colors in the pictures; I crop and I compress for the web, but that's usually about it.

    2. I think it is Jolyene Nichole. If it has the the rebloom scape coming it surely is. I know the hybridizer and that would be the clear difference.


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