
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The First Rose

When, oh Lord, did the first rose bloom?
Bright and shining 'neath a cloudy sky?
Stolen sunrays captured live,
Emerald green brushed deep inside.
Golden stamen columns round,
Over saffron pistils mound.

How and why did the first rose bloom?
Was it raindrop's sweet caress?
Sunshine, laughter coalesced,
Warmth and loam joined in success.
Graceful petals slow unfold,
Scent released from newspun gold.

Who was it saw the first rose bloom?
Felt the joy of world renewed?
First Man chose a rose to woo,
First Woman, love and home ensued.
Rose be blest, God's will be done,
Endowed to man by blazing sun.

Harison's Yellow, my first rose of 2016, opened two days ago beneath a rainy sky, the end of our lack of moisture and my drought of roses after a long winter.  I did not yet expect to find gold in this confused garden, this garden askew from whipsaw fluctuations of temperature and frost, but there it was, right where I knew it should be.  The coming of this captured sunshine was foretold by tulip and iris and forsythia, trumpets heralding the triumphant return of a favorite child.  I'm pleased for once, at rest again, patient now for the return of life, anticipating the joy of friendships renewed.


  1. You have a rose blooming already??? Now I KNOW that I must add Harison's Yellow (or another one of the early yellows) to my garden. A friend in Charlottesville (which is about on a par with here, schedule-wise) has flowers on Old Blush. I have to make the trek to the back 40 to check on mine, and Climbing Pompon de Paris, as they usually race to see who flowers first.

    1. Yes, blooming. The bloom above is the first this year. I'm surprised as well. But it's so bright and pretty.

  2. is that ridiculously early for a rose to bloom in your neck of the woods ? I have weeks and weeks to wait here in the UK! Is 'Harrison's Yellow' known as an early bloomer? But anyway, what bliss ! It is one of the best moments of the gardening year.

    1. Early, and maybe ridiculously early. Harison's Yellow is an early bloomer but is often a few days behind Marie Bugnet for me. According to my record, this year is the earliest for it that I've noted. I've noted it's first bloom on the following: 4/18/16, 4/26/15, 5/6/14,5/15/13,4/30/10,5/9/09,5/4/05.


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