Favorite Garden Books & Links

ProfessorRoush's Favorite Gardening Books
  • The Undaunted Garden; Lauren Springer
  • Noah's Garden; Sara Stein
  • On Gardening; Henry Mitchell
  • In Search of Old Roses; Thomas Christopher
  • Second Nature; Michael Pollan
  • Gardening for a Lifetime; Sydney Eddison
  • Down to Earth; Helen Dillon
  • A Gentle Plea for Chaos; Mirabel Osler
  • Mrs. GreenThumbs; Cassandra Danz
  • Garden Musings; James Roush (of course)
(I like to read, I like to read books and articles from other gardens, and so, here is one man's opinion.)

Useful Garden Links for Kansas and Elsewhere

Groom and Style Landscaping Guide
KSU Horticulture Newsletter (Weekly newletter on Midwest Gardening)
Kansas Wildflowers and Grasses
Wildflowers of Colorado
Seed Savers Exchange (Heirloom vegetables)
High Country Gardens (Native Plants for West and Southwest
Roses Unlimited (All kinds of roses, many hard to find))
Heirloom Roses (OGR's, Buck roses, Shrub roses
Song Sparrow Farm (General good perennial and shrub source, esp. peonie
Rogue Valley Roses (lots of OGR's and the sole source of Paul Barden's rose
Garden Musings Book by ProfessorRoush (Just a great read)

Hartwood Roses (OGR's and modern own root roses) (Hartwood is no longer selling commercially, but I'm keeping her here in hopes Connie reopens :)

(I get no funding or freebies from any commercial establishment listed above...I just like their service, plants, or information).


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