Though an old gardener, I am but a young blogger. The humor and added alliteration are free.
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Morning Musings
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Anticipation Abandoned
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'Yellow Bird' |
The evidence of an answer to that question this spring, has been a resounding "no!" from the Kansas climate. The first bloom in my garden was the "Pink Forsythia", Abeliophyllum distichum 'Roseum', which I noticed had just opened blooms on February 29th. One day and a cold night later its promise of love returned was reduced to a fountain of brown, never to shine again. Then, in sequence, my beloved Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata) teased me one day and crushed me the next, several forsythia teased a few cranky yellow blooms and then the rest froze and browned, and then the French lilacs, too embarrassed to carry the torch, refused to bloom at all. So, at this stage, magnolias, forsythia, and lilacs are, in sports parlance, 0-3, while the Witch of Winter is 3-0. The redbuds on my hills made it 0-4 in short order, also adding to the general woe and despair, and the red peach tree made me 0-5 for the early season.
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'Jane' Magnolia |
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Paeonia tenuifolia |
But did I yet mention that we've been bone dry, all through winter and spring, so dry as to make the ground as solid as cement and dry as far as I can dig? We need rain to even have grass yet! Should I will just roll over, cut my losses, sacrifice the troops, and wait until 2025? I need color; beautiful sunrises and hope can sustain me, but not forever. What say ye? (that last question asked in my mind with the voice of Gregory Peck as "Ahab" in 1956's Moby Dick, as he asked his first mate to follow him to their mutual death).
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12/12/2023 |
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Purple Poppy Pain?
Despite the almost-complete perfection of Mrs. ProfessorRoush as a spouse, she does lack in her environmental awareness and has in the past complained about the mallow as a weed in her vision of lawn perfection. We'll see this year if she notices as the Purple Poppy Mallow achieves June dominance in my blooming landscape. Although she doesn't or rarely gardens, she's not above lodging complaints with the Gardener-In-Residence if she believes something doesn't measure up to her standards.
Are you squirming at the site of the mallow stand, pictured above? Feeling a contentment that the world is still okay, or having a little discomfort or pain? To Purple Poppy Mallow or not, that is the question!
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Flawed Beauty
Gardeners, do you prefer the captured images of beauty in your garden au naturel, or touched up to hide the blemishes and traumas of living? Should the photographs we bloggers take of our gardens be posted unaltered, or should they be released onto the internet as posed and filtered and airbrushed as Cindy Crawford on the cover of Vogue? Are we ready for the naked truth of our gardens, for the blatant blemishes of foliage or flower, for the ravages of wind and sun and rain? Is the Venus de Milo an ageless perfection in marble or merely one more damaged chunk of rock?
Nearly all of the photos that ProfessorRoush posts here are unaltered except for some cropping and for a few taken after I pulled the surrounding forest of weeds and only then "snapped" the photo (do we still "snap" photos or do we just focus and tap?). Is pre-pulling the weeds a mortal sin of nondisclosure of the truth of my garden or merely a permissible act of vanity and understandable attempt to avoid embarrassment for my gardening sloth? I'm facing the question today as I post the nearly perfect combination of white 'David' phlox and the 'Alaska' Shasta daisies displayed in the top photo and the unaltered reality here of the vista at the left. I took the left photograph before removing the dead and brown spent flowers from the area and posing the top photograph. Yes, I could have done even better if I had cut the unobtrusive bare stems away, but which is really the better photograph? Nature in all its raw glory at left or the gussied up and primped "Still Life of White Flowers" at the top?The broad question vexing me today is so simple in essence but has so many permutations in practice. The aforementioned Cindy Crawford is a beautiful woman, but famous as well for the flaw in her beauty, the melanocytic nevus we commonly refer to as a beauty mark. In fact, google "beauty mark" and a picture of Cindy will pop up alongside the listings, an icon for that concept of a minor flaw perfecting the person. Does that same concept extend to our gardens? Is the picture at the right of this Knautia macedonica blossom struggling up through the phlox somehow more beautiful than that of the simple and pure virginal white phlox in the photo below? As garden photographers, do we need to add mouches to our perfect photos to make them yet more perfect?ProfessorRoush is so full of questions today, eh? So deeply troubled about photographic nuance and so immersed in disturbing philosophical discourse unbecoming of a cool and sun-lit Saturday morning here in the Flint Hills. I know that many come to this blog for entertainment and answers and yet here I am, the snake bound to ruin Eden and cast you out into uncertainty and unease. I leave you today only with my questions, a complete dearth of assuring answers, and my hope that this photo of the clean and white 'David' phlox will soothe the disturbance of your soul.Sunday, June 6, 2021
Plant Pets and Plant Zoos
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'Hope for Humanity' |
People treat plants like pets! Of course! ProfessorRoush treats plants like pets! I nurture them, I feed them, and I water them; I'm thrilled when they grow and perform well and I'm disappointed when they crap in their beds. An epiphany, like so many others, right before my eyes the entire time. Here I am, veterinarian and gardener for a lifetime, and I've never realized that so, so many of my plants are pets. The rose, 'Hope for Humanity', pictured above and at left, blooming so perfectly red and bountiful, is a favorite of my treasured plant pets. So is the 'Blizzard' mockorange below, covered in white and perfuming the garden. And the fringed and crazy 'Pink Spritzer' peony, a wild Klehm creation, seen at the feet of the mockorange and in the closeup at the bottom of this blog. Inside the house, a collection of different Schlumbergera and a few pet orchids make up the indoor garden.
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'Blizzard' Mockorange |
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'Pink Spritzer' |
Plants as pets. Gardens as menageries. Maybe not so socially-conscious, but satisfying and educational at every turn. That's my style.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Hope Lost and Found
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Hemerocallis 'Blue Racer' |
Hemerocallis 'Beautiful Edgings' |
Hemerocallis 'Space Coast Color Scheme' |
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Euonymus Scale |
'Hope for Humanity' |
'Hope for Humanity' (the purple faded rose below and to the right is a nearby 'Dr. Hugo') |
Friday, June 15, 2018
Elm Excogitation

As gardeners we all, I'm sure, know of the previously ubiquitous American Elm and the disastrous impact of Dutch Elm disease on the species. Intellectually, we understand that the American Elm (Elmus americana) was a valued tree in the landscapes of the 19th and early 20th centuries, so-called "tabernacles of the air." Viscerally, however, gardeners of my age have no memories of a cool picnic under the elms or the spreading chestnuts of history. Our blood does not stir from loss of such things as we've never experienced.

In our callous daily existences, we don't often emotionally feel the tragic loss of a unique species of rainforest frog, or the potential extinction of a subspecies of rhinoceros, but you CAN come to K-State and experience with me the last years of the American Elm. Echoing and borrowing the sentiment from an excellent essay by astrophysist Dr. Adam Frank that I read this week, I would say that the Earth will survive, but the Elm may not. The Anthropocene HAS arrived and we should perhaps better start to contemplate that our time is measured, just as the elm's.
Friday, May 18, 2018
Bee-careful Out There

This is the real life of my garden. I think only of flowers and prunings, mulch and plant combinations. To the bee, each flower could be nectar or death, each flight from the hive success or oblivion. For the spider, each day may bring feast or hunger, no guarantees beneath the sunniest skies. I've forgotten again the drama beneath, the life of a garden in constant flux, predator after prey, ultimately death for all.
Now reminded, I still am rooting for the bees.
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Spring Insanity

This year however, I'm listening to the experts and I planted peas on March 3rd. According to the Kansas State Extension, garden peas are best planted just after the soil turns 40º, and I'd seen bulletins indicating the soil was already that warm. Knowing that my main pea problem for years has been poor germination and weather that turns hot far too rapidly in Kansas, I resolved to follow science and cast aside superstition just this once. I whipped out my trusty, long-suffering soil thermometer and plodded to the garden in the midst of a brisk wind yesterday, to find the soil already 45º and rising. I'm pretty sure it was still frozen solid just last week, but I nonetheless planted both 'Little Marvel' and 'Early Perfection'. Besides, this year the full moon was on March 1st, a so-labeled worm moon welcoming earthworms back from their deep underground slumber, and although science may lead me astray from my hallowed farming roots, as long as the moon cycle follows along, I might as well take a chance, right?

Sunday, August 13, 2017
Northeast Downtime
I didn't do any personal physical gardening this week, nor, I must confess, did I visit a single public garden. But since the NorthEast has been well-supplied with rain, I did spend some time admiring the health and vitality of a number of gardens, including the perfectly-maintained alleyway garden I saw in Salem, MA that is pictured above. As moist as things were, I was interested that the phlox here showed no signs of mildew at all.
One of the reasons for the visit was to expose a precocious nephew to the possibilities of Harvard and MIT, so I spent time on both campuses. I was, frankly, not that impressed by the tour of Harvard, which never bothered to verify if my nephew even showed up for his scheduled tour and never took us into a single building. I am limited in my admiration of expensive architecture if I'm not allowed inside the buildings. I did find, however, Harvard's use of boulders as a student gathering and sitting area quite innovative, however uncomfortable it might be in cold weather or for long sitting periods.

Now, I'm back to the prairie, staring out the window at a dew-covered overgrown lawn bordered with weedy flower beds that both need attention. And where else can I watch a pack rat playing blatently on my front steps at 8:00 a.m. in the morning. Just another thing one my to-do list; bait the pack-rat traps!
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Bombus-ed BeeBalm

Honeybees should surely be visiting nearby, because Monarda fistulosa, otherwise known as Wild Bergamot, is blooming all over the prairie. I've written before of my garden Monardas, and the native prairie species lives up to its common name, "Beebalm," but the balm exuded by Monarda only seems to be attracting the American Bumblebee (Bombus pensylvanicus) this year.
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Monarda fistulosa with Bombus pensylvanicus |
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'Jacob Cline' Monarda and Knautia macedonia |
Monday, June 19, 2017
Decluttered Deliverance
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paeonia 'Buckeye Belle' |
It occurred to me, reading Ms. Kondo and in my winter mood of being angry at the garden's performance and its Rose Rosette Disease epidemic, that "tidying up" could be applied to my garden. Take, for example, the primary question Ms. Kondo wants all of us to ask ourselves for every possession; Does it bring you joy? "Lift or touch each thing," she asks of us, "and ask if it sparks joy."
'Buckeye Belle' at upper right, did bring me joy this spring, more than I could imagine, its smoldering dark red blossoms luring me again and again to that corner of the garden. She's a keeper in my garden and I would make sure she is in my next garden. Not so much, for instance, 'Folksinger', RRD-infected, and never among my favorite roses. So, this spring, I really didn't mind at all when I shovel-pruned 'Folksinger' during a massacre of RRD-infected plants. Magnolia 'Yellow Bird' brings me joy. Overgrown 'Rosenstadt Zweibrucken' does not.

at times. Early on this year, I did "tidy" by category, removing first the roses that were infected with RRD, and then other plants that were simply in the wrong place, or that I simply didn't like. My most recent efforts, at pruning roses, weeding, and general gardening chores, have all been by area, however. This week the large daylily bed was weeded again, and the strawberry patch was tidied. Next week, I've got my sights set on my "viburnum bed."
"Let go of the what if's and somedays." This admonition by Ms. Kondo is both easy and hard. Plants that require a constant effort or struggle to keep alive, the "what ifs," are relatively easy to eliminate because they remove themselves from the garden. But I'm tired and frustrated with plants that don't perform in my garden and I'm now quicker to remove those that don't. And I've wacked back a number of overgrown plants this year. I had already started this practice last fall long before Ms, Kondo arrived in my psyche, removing some large overgrown junipers from my front landscaping. I've felt better, more joyful, looking at that spot every day this spring. In broader terms, though, I have trouble removing "somedays." I don't often throw out old tools, boxes, and other paraphernalia because I've learned, as a husband and father, that life recycles our needs for many things and I don't like buying things twice, or worse, three times over.

But if it's a thug, I promise, out it goes. This spring, I've removed every clump I have of Helianthus maximilliana. Some of you may remember a previous post I wrote that extolled their virtues, but time has taught me better. 'Lemon Yellow' and 'Santa Fe' turned out to be monsters, towering over and shading out everything around them, and self-seeding everywhere in the garden. They're beautiful and they bloom like crazy in late fall, but if I let them go for 5 years, they would completely take over my garden and head for the horizon. I've been pulling up seedlings everywhere last year and this year. far from the original two clumps I planted. They will even self-seed in the native prairie grass and survive there, with all the potential of becoming noxious weeds. So I will smite them down with great vengeance and furious anger, and declutter and deliver my garden from their zealous growth. And truthfully, all the smiting about this spring brings me satisfaction, circling me back to Ms. Kondo's prime directive. Yes, Ms. Kondo, it brings me joy.
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Gone to Pot

Hey, I'm a gardener. I notice plants. I've been known to pull over on major highways and come to a full stop just to identify or photograph a particular flowering plant on the roadside. You're looking at the far off scenery? At the sunset or architecture or road signs? I'm looking for unusual plant form or flashes of color, or interesting foliage. I'm surveying habitat, speculating on species, and scrutinizing clumps that catch my eye. The only hobbyists in the running for Voted Most Eccentric have to be gardeners or birders. And I'm a little of both.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Peace Lily
"Enjoy the moment," the ancients advised. Pluck the day and live it. I do little enough of that in my garden, forgetting in the bustle and work of gardening to find the purpose of the garden, its raison d'être. Does the garden exist for my pleasure or as my master?
Through the work week, I plan for the weekend. "When can I mow the lawn again?" "That daylily bed needs weeding." "I should start the squash indoors on Saturday." "I need to find something to plant in that empty spot." "I need to water the tomatoes." As if the function of the garden was to fill the empty space of Saturday and Sunday, to keep boredom at bay, to parry purposelessness. So I speed into Saturday, scurry and scuttle through Sunday, yet secretly yearning for calm.
If I were asked, "What single experience or desire is shared among all gardeners?" the answer would lie in this photo, this first Asiatic lily of the year, this day shining from the darkness. It is not the pure white peace lily of lore, but it is peaceful nonetheless. Shaded by a large viburnum and tall Rugosa, struggling for light and moisture, yet protected from the glaring sun, its dark red, regal presence stands scribe to life's glories, testament to Earth's treasures. I paused to its purpose, a reminder to seek the silence and solace in the quiet places of the garden. I listened to its lesson, to recharge from the energy found in dark bower, in dappled shade, and green shelter. I came away refreshed with new purpose, to remember always that the garden exists to pleasure the gardener, not to enslave him, To free him and feed his spirit, not to fatigue him. To nourish the soul that yearns only for beauty and peace.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Hidey-Holes and Fairy Gardens

The whole gobbledygook of ghosts and goblins and garden gnomes, fairies or elves is not part of my fantasy world, and as much as I liked Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy, or even Brendan Fraser as the hero in the modern "Mummy" films, I seldom worry about encountering such creatures in real life. I normally agree with Rod Serling, host of The Twilight Zone, who said, "There is nothing in the dark that isn't there when the lights are on." At least that's what I tell myself on dark nights on the Kansas prairie when the wind is howling outside. And when I'm trying to decide at twilight if the dark lump in my landscape is a known bush or a browsing deer or a Sasquatch.
I briefly reconsidered my thoughts on the other dimensions last weekend, however, when I noticed the little tunnel as pictured above, heading darkly under the roots of a Purple Smoke Tree. Just for an instant, one can believe that this Hole would be a perfect little entry to Alice's Wonderland, the motivation for any number of fantastic tales. Shrink me down, and how far would I tumble here before I encountered the Red Queen? What sort of creatures, do you think, have made this Hole a haven? Mundane little prairie frogs or mice? An intrepid little pixie or goblin? If a leprechaun had popped out of The Hole right as I discovered it, I wouldn't have batted an eye. Surely, on this prairie, I'm not about to poke The Hole with a stick. With my luck, it wouldn't be a grouchy gnome that would answer, it would be an unreasonably angry copperhead snake with vengeance on its mind.