There are roses that you love from the first glimpse, and roses that sometimes have to earn your love over time. ProfessorRoush is here, live on blog, to tell you that 'Foxi Pavement' is just another potential Hybrid Rugosa that you've heard of and don't really care about, right up until finally you grow her. I promise that 'Foxi Pavement' will grow ON you as it grows IN your garden, just as it did for me.
'Foxi Pavement,' also known as Luberon®, UHLater, and, inexplicably, as "Buffalo Gal" (the approved ARS Exhibition name), is a 1987 introduction Hybrid Rugosa by Jürgen Walter Uhl. Well, according to helpmefindroses.com she's a 1987 introduction, but Modern Roses 12 lists her under 'Buffalo Gal' as a 1989 introduction. As readers know, because of the rose rosette catastrophe which struck here, I've chose to grow as many roses with R. rugosa heritage as I can find, regardless of their color or form. I may not have formed the most perfect display rose garden, but the experience has made my garden into an exquisite testing ground for roses I might not otherwise have bothered after. 'Foxi Pavement' is one of those roses that I'm happy to have happened across.

In my Kansas climate, she is often a little frazzled and worn, but she's resilient and seldom without a few flowers. All the pictures on this page were taken this week, in a random moment while I was mowing. Her
R. rugosa genetics show up in the heavily rugose, light-green foliage and complete disease resistance. The pictures on this page are of a mature 'Foxi Pavement' near the hot end of summer, only the slightest bit of blackspot near the bottom of the plant and a little mild insect damage on the unsprayed plant. Most importantly, there are no signs of rose rosette disease anywhere on my 4 year old plant. Her mature size is 4 foot tall and 5 foot wide in my garden, and the semi-double to mildly double flowers (17-25 petals officially) have a strong
R. rugosa fragrance. She is completely cane-hardy with no die-back in my Zone 5-6 climate, and she sets
fantastically large hips after bloom, giving her a second season of display in my garden.
When compared with the other Pavement roses, that I grow, 'Foxi' is the intermediate color choice between pale
'Snow Pavement' and dark
'Purple Pavement', with a size and form bigger than the latter and identical to the former. One big advantage of 'Foxi Pavement' is that she doesn't show any signs of suckering. In my garden, 'Purple Pavement also hasn't suckered, but 'Snow Pavement' suckers occasionally and 'Dwarf Pavement' is a diminutive (2 foot tall) monster, spreading over 5 years to cover a 10 foot wide area in one of my garden beds.
'Foxi Pavement has earned her permanent place in my garden and I'd recommend her in any garden. I grow a distant and better known relative,
'Fru Dagmar Hastrup' nearby, and comparing the two, I think I much prefer 'Foxi' over 'Fru Dagmar'. 'Foxi' is taller and more upright, and although the lavendar-pink tone is similar to 'Fru Dagmar', I think 'Foxi' is a brighter pink, perhaps helped out by her higher petal count. Both plants are very healthy and their gorgeous hips are almost identical in number, color, and size. Remember,
ProfessorRoush likes big hips and he cannot lie...(don't hesitate to click the link here, it's SFW...mostl)
Also...pretty proud of himself, and I'm sure you're pleased, that ProfessorRoush avoided any puns or plays on the 'Foxi' name.