Why risk a fire, you ask? Because I wasn't about to wade into the juniper and begin trying to trim it back branch by branch towards the center, never knowing when a pack rat might decide to hide in my pant legs. As it was, the spruce went up in flame first and then, as the lower juniper began to burn well, a single very pregnant pack rat emerged about 4 feet away and moved off into the landscape. How she made it out, I'll never know, because the nest was fully on fire by that time, and the ground tunnel that I found later in the center of the nest ashes must have been pretty warm by the time she made her break for safety. I made sure to tell Mrs. ProfessorRoush to keep the garage and barn locked up tight for a few days, and I hope the hawks got her before she found a new home (the pack rat of course, not Mrs. ProfessorRoush).
Now, I can just grab a saw, cut the main branches and stump down, and plant something else here that won't draw the rats. Safely cut it down now, with no worries for large-toothed invaders taking the short pathway up to my waist. If, that is, the weather ever turns nice. We have snow predicted for tomorrow, highs in the 30's and lows in the twenties along with it, and an overnight of 22ºF predicted later this week. I went outside today and covered my baby peas, so recently planted, with straw, so they would escape the worst of the freeze (I hope). Nothing much, though, that I can do for the daffodils shown here, now in full bloom and facing the worst with a sunny disposition. I don't have much hope for them, planted in full sun on the south side of the house, but I will keep a little hope alive for the daffodils on the north side of the house, which are just in the process of budding.
When you live in Kansas, you only show your poker hand in a few clumps of daffodils at a time.