You other gardeners can't deny
That when a rose shows up with its foliage rough and tough
And puts some red balls all around
You get glad, want to make some jam
'Cause those hips ain't full of spam
Seeds in those hips she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh baby, I want to plant them wit'cha
And take your picture
Sorry, but once again, Baby Got Back seems to be my muse for starting a post. Our first frost is finally upon us,almost 4 weeks late, and 'Fru Dagmar Hastrup' is ready, ripe hips shining in the sun. These hips are the biggest and juiciest of the rugosas that I grow, and in these, I can finally see why wartime Britain relied on rose hips as a source of Vitamin C. The first hip, at the top, is larger than a quarter, and the second is nearly that large. Many sources state that these hips should be accompanied by fall color changes in the foliage, but I have yet to see my bush provide any color this fall. Perhaps she will develop it later, once that first frost does its damage.
I do intend to plant the seeds within this scarlet dreams this winter and try for a crop of Rugosa hybrids. After the loss of so many roses to Rose Rosette, I might as well hope and pray that 'Fru Dagmar Hastrup' was indiscreet with one of the Griffith Buck or English roses in the vicinity, making little roses that could have some RR resistance. A gardener can hope.