Dr. James K. Roush is a 2007 Riley County Master Gardener. He gardens on a shallow façade of clay overlying the chert and limestone bedrock of the Kansas Flint Hills that provides a sharp contrast in gardening experience to the deep Indiana soils he was raised on. When he’s not gardening, reading about gardening, or writing about gardening, he is a small animal veterinary orthopedic surgeon and a Professor at the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Empty-nested, only a long-suffering wife and a faithful canine now compete for his attentions with the garden.
Dr. Roush has written a book of essays based on his personal experiences in the garden, Garden Musings, published in 2009 by iUniverse. Comprised of wry and irreverent observations about gardening and life as a gardener, Garden Musings provides a refreshing look at every gardener’s struggles with plants, animals, the environment and gardening orthodoxy. Garden Musings is available for preview and purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iUniverse. Kindle and Ebook versions are available at Amazon and iUniverse, respectively.