I did not,
as I suggested recently, have to wait for my 'Heavenly Flight of Angels' daylily for the "next flashy daylily to come along." In fact, two days later, it was the semi-awfully, but coincidentally named Hemerocallis 'Awfully Flashy' that captured my instant attention as I took Bella out for her morning wee.
Yes, despite my recent daylily mis-identification, I'm pretty sure that this is 'Awfully Flashy', because it matches the spot on my plant map and, more importantly, because
it matches the internet pictures I can find. 'Awfully Flashy' was a 1979 introduction by Monette and is described as a semi-evergreen diploid with 6.5" blooms of lavender pink blend and a green throat.

I stated my opinion that this daylily was named "semi-awfully" for a couple of reasons. First, I couldn't resist the pun. Second, while 'Awfully Flashy' may be flashy, it is certainly not awful. In fact, I'd argue strongly for it as a beauty. 'Fancily Flashy' would have been a better name. I know that it is not the most modern over-bred, spectacular daylily available, but since I buy the majority of my daylilies as cheap divisions at plant sales, it's about as fancy as I grow. The upper petals are deep pink, in fact almost fuchsia-pink, compared to the lower petals and they have a prominent lighter midrib and ruffled edges. Best of all, that green throat has a sweet fragrance. I'm always surprised by fragrant daylilies, as are undoubtedly some of you, because for some reason daylilies don't draw anyone to sniff them. Perhaps we are simply put off by the prominent stamens in our way. Perhaps we feel subconsciously improper sticking our nose in the daylily's business. Regardless, put away your inhibitions and sample the fragrance of 'Awfully Flashy'.
Although I didn't know it, or have forgotten it, it is evidently "a thing," among daylily fanatics,
to write short stories which use as many names of real daylilies as possible. Maybe this winter, when I have more time, I'll give it a shot, but I'm not going to attempt it now, in the heat of summer, when new daylilies are opening for my pleasure with each new dawn.