I feel, in this time of quarantine, a kinship with this tree, a bond forged by the urge of life to grow and expand despite the constraints around it. My adherence to stay-at-home edicts from local "authorities" suffers from both my lack of paranoia about catching the virus and my lack of faith in those authorities. I do wear a mask in public, despite knowing the science and all-the-time wondering why I bother. Running "crucial" errands, the number of which expands exponentially with my cabin fever, I often think of the quote on my office refrigerator at work, purportedly from Marilyn Monroe, which reads "Ever notice that 'what the hell' is always the right answer?" Yes, I recognize that subscribing to guidance from a woman who tragically passed away in the fullness of life may not be the wisest choice. It is, however, more satisfying, and soul-serving than listening to nonstop gloom and doom from the news.
Time will tell, both for the tree and for us. Will we wither now, paralyzed by fear of the world outside our holes, or will we grow on, breaking the barriers and pushing against the sky? Me, I'm betting on life and the spirit of this tree. Staying in the hole is not an option.