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'Harison's Yellow' |
Finally, Finally, Finally. The earliest rose in my garden opened yesterday and for once, it was a three way tie. 'Harison's Yellow', 'Therese Bugnet', and 'Austrian Copper' all submitted entries for the contest as the pictures here attest. All are beautiful in their own way, and especially welcome given the delayed wait by the gardener.
Since protocol demands that there must be a winner for "First Rose of the Year," the question was submitted to the garden judge (me), who ruled that since the garden contains two specimens of each of these roses and since 'Harison's Yellow' was the only variety to bloom on both bushes, it is the 2013 champion. "Therese Bugnet' and 'Austrian Copper' both immediately lodged protests regarding the arbitrary nature of the decision, but the judge's ruling stands.
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'Therese Bugnet' |
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'Austrian Copper' |
Today was also my birthday, and by happenstance, five new roses arrived by UPS, just in time to join in the celebration. This was the first time I've ordered from
Roses Unlimited in South Carolina, and I have been pleased with their communication and the nice one gallon size of these roses, three of which are already in bud or blooming. Left to right, in the picture below, they are 'Brook Song', 'Kronprincessin Victoria', 'Prairie Valor', 'Night Song', and 'Madame Ernest Calvat'. I can already see that 'Madame Ernest Calvat', like her sister 'Mme. Isaac Pereire', wants to sprawl seductively all over her neighbors in the garden, and so immediately after planting her, I tied her up to a nice strong stake. Lord knows, a firm hand is necessary to keep these two siblings from their wanton natures.
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'Brook Song' |
The beauty of the group at present, however, is that solitary yellow bloom on 'Brook Song'. I knew you'd want to see a closeup so I made sure to get her best side. Not bad for her first bloom, huh? Isn't she just a sunny little breath of air?
Thank God, the roses have finally arrived.