I'm proud to announce to gardening civilization that I have joined that adventurous set of gardeners who have created actual irrigation systems all on their own. Yes, I am a newly-minted and self-proclaimed DripMaster. I have taken that first step onto the ever-downward path of water conservation and without so much as an "Obi-Wan" to guide me. Before you know it, I am sure I'll be buying Birkenstocks and tie-dieing my old gardening shirts.
This past Sunday, in the early morning hours before the heat rose high enough to fry bacon on my landscape rocks, I opened the RainDrip Landscape Kit that I had purchased on sale and on a whim a couple of weeks back. Breathless in my fear of the unknown, I laid out the myriad of "T-connectors" and "pressure-reducing" valves and "1.0 GPH drippers" and quarter- and half-inch tubing and began to sort through the foreign language of the manual. Like all "how-to" manuals, this one started with a suggestion to carefully plan the layout of the drip irrigation system on paper beforehand. At that suggestion of course, like every good do-it-yourselfer, I laughed and tossed away the manual. Who's got time for planning?
About an hour or so after starting, I had the entire system finished and dripping away, just before the temperature hit the 100F degree mark and I started dripping away alongside it. The starter kit was quite sufficient to create the system for this small bed and yes, I planned for expansion to the new roses once they are planted. In fact, the 50 foot main tubing in this kit was enough to start a system in another bed, but I ran out of drip heads before I could finish that one. The bricks in the picture above are temporary until I can purchase stakes to hold the curves in place. I think I'll be smart and not bury the thing under mulch until the new roses come in and are planted. And, since I know that you are wondering, No, I did not run drip irrigation to the 'Matrona' sedums in the bed. I know that they'll do fine on their own without the extra watering and I am, after all, the DripMaster.