I came across a spry young Hare.
It didn't run, it knew no fear,
It's known the gardener all this year.
This gardener will not do it in,
The Rabbit knows he is a friend.
The Rabbit calmly sits and chews,
The gardener watches now amused.
Rabbits are the price one pays,
For hale and healthy garden sprays,
Of flowers borne on strong green stems,
Of green leaves dancing in the winds.
But in the garden, somewhere near,
Other things are there to fear.
The Rabbit plays on unaware,
That Snake might also slither there.
Sometime soon, the two will meet,
The Snake and Rabbit, one with feet,
The other moves with rippling hide.
The Snake and Rabbit must collide.
Little Rabbit does not know,
The hand the gardener doesn't show,
His Karma never needs to suffer,
Fate will do the deed, but rougher.
Almost every day for the past month, I've come across this little rabbit in my garden, moving here or there, hiding until I was almost upon it. We've visited enough that this rabbit is now tame, allowing me to move within an arms length this weekend without darting away in frantic fear. Two hours later I came across this fully grown, magnificent Western Rat Snake in the vegetable garden and I didn't dart away in frantic fear either. In general, I think rabbits are cute, but I'm not very excited about resident rabbits in my garden. They don't often cause enough damage to irritate me, but as long as they're around, it is always possible that I go out some morning to find a prize new rose nibbled down to kindling. I'm not very excited about resident snakes, either, but at least they don't harm the plants, unlike the rabbits. In the end however, I'm most worried about my kriyamana Karma. The Hindus may or may not be right, but why chance bad Karma merely to gain a few more flowers? ProfessorRoush is generally, therefore, a benevolent God over his garden and is quite willing to let nature make the choice. I suspect this Western Rat Snake will come across this rabbit sooner or later and will be greet it with a nice tight hug. After all, Kansas is not overrun with rabbits as Australia has been and it isn't because the rabbit's don't breed like, well, like rabbits. I don't want to be there to see the messy end, but sooner or later, I'm sure I'll come across this large proud snake with a big bulge in its body. And after that I won't worry about the roses for awhile.
Nature can be very hard.