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'Beautiful Edgings' |
'Beautiful Edgings' is a midseason "reblooming" daylily hybridized by Copenhaver and introduced in 1989. She is officially described as cream-edged rose with a green throat, but I find that after colder night temperatures she has strong yellow tones like those at the left. A 'Best of Friends' seedling, she stands around 30 inches tall in my garden and bears flowers that are around 5 inches in diameter. She has received a number of awards including the Stout Silver Medal Runner-up in 2006 (missing the award by 7 votes), the 2006 Lenington All-American Award, the 2002 President's Cup, the Award of Merit in 2002, and the 1999 Honorable Mention List.
My original plant was in the front bed, on the northwest side of the house, and she was fortuitously planted near where I walk every day. Once I accepted how fabulous she is, I divided her again and again and I now have 5 or 6 clumps spread around the area. This time of year, when she is blooming, I make sure to observe her every morning as I walk the dog, and I occasionally refresh my memory of her delicate fragrance. Fragrance is rare enough in daylilies, and 'Beautiful Edgings' has one of the best in my garden.
I've never been able to fully understand the term "reblooming" as it applies to daylilies. Certainly, I can understand "reblooming" in relationship to my detested 'Stella de Oro', continually blooming for months, and I have a couple of daylilies that bloom now and then will put out a token bloom or two in the fall. Many other daylilies, however, display what seems just to be an extended bloom period, and for those, my "anti-marketing hackles" are raised. How much is real reblooming and how much is hype to capture gardeners who look for "reblooming" on the label?
Regardless, while 'Beautiful Edging' is one that only has an extended period of bloom, I'm glad to great her each morning as long as she will stay, each morning that I'm awaken by the intrepid Bella whining to alert me to her urinary bladder discomfort. I'll eagerly crawl out of bed and perform an unpleasant task to experience such beauty.