I took Bella out the front door last night for her nightly squat, flipped on the lights, opened the front door, and followed her slightly rolling butt to the end of the concrete steps, Looking out into the breezy night beyond the lights. As I turned around to give her some privacy in her eliminations, I glanced at the 'Stained Glass' hosta that I just purchased and planted last week, every the watchful gardener. And then I looked closer. Can you see it?

Now can you see it? Just the body and one ear of a little bunny, frozen under the hosta leaves and desperately hoping that no one would see it. I got a little closer to make sure it wasn't a pack rat, thought about picking it up, but ultimately decided not to make its little heart pound any more than I'm sure it already was and I left it alone. I called Bella back inside, making sure to stay between Bella and the rabbit as my chubby love bounded past me to the door, and then I walked back in, plunging the baby bunny back into darkness and safety.

That bunny was hiding much better than this Gallica rose, screaming "I'm Pink!" for all the world to see. No photo editing here, this little bright spot in my landscape is exactly as you see it, the brightest, most perfect pink you could ever ask for.
Now if I only knew what this rose was named. On my notes, this is the 'York and Lancaster' rose, which I obtained as a sucker from the KSU rose garden during pruning one year. Only it isn't because 'York and Lancaster' is a striped or variably colored Damask and this rose only blooms bright pink and I'm pretty sure it is a Gallica. In fact, my bet is that it's the Apothecary's Rose, or
Rosa gallica 'Officinalis', a rose I have no written record of, but seem to recall obtaining at one time or another and must have found somewhere. It has the right size semidouble blooms, is low-growing, and suckers like crazy. I do have
Rosa mundi, which is a candidate for the original 'York and Lancaster' rose, in another bed for sure.

Regardless of its identity and provenance, it is certainly PINK. And easy to care for, if I pull up the suckers from where I don't want them. And disease free, although if you look very closely you'll see that the rose slugs started on it before I found them and intervened. Some years it doesn't have quite the overpowering pink that it does this year, and it seems more vigorous and floriferous this year, but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth. Pink is good, pink is happy, pink is pretty.